Monday, April 25, 2011

Goodbye for now...

Well...the day has finally come where I have to say goodbye to Keith as he heads to basic. I can't believe how fast time has flown by, considering when he enlisted November 5, I thought we had all the time in the world together. It's been quite a few months since my last post. I have been so crazy busy auditioning for schools and performing. I had two performances this weekend. At the Good Friday service, I was the soprano soloist for Dubois' "Seven Last Words of Christ." As soon as I get video, I will upload some clips.

Unfortunately, I will not be attending Graduate School this next year. I did not get accepted anywhere, but I feel everything happens for a reason. Since I am a soprano, I am in the most competitive category among opera singers, so the next 8 months I have to focus on myself since Keith will be gone. I will still continue to take voice lessons and study. I will not be working...Woohoo!!! I will be quitting my job at Publix Supermarkets, but I will continue with my paid church job.

What I find most difficult about Keith leaving is the fact that I will be moving back home with my parents for the next year. I don't know how I will keep my sanity. I love my family, but after living away from home for 5 years, it's going to be a little rough. Once he starts AIT, I will probably make it a point to visit him atleast once a month. On a positive note, we will save some money since I won't have to pay electric or rent.

I know I will miss my husband very much, but we are in a secure place in our relationship that being apart will only make us stronger. I did cry this morning as we were eating breakfast together. I dropped him off at the recruiter and then drove down to Tampa to stay in a hotel. When Keith arrived in Tampa, I picked him up and then spent most of the day together, doing...well...enjoying what we call "Hotel PT" ;). I dropped him off at his hotel before 10pm since he has a curfew and then I returned back to my hotel around an hour ago. I haven't cried yet, but I think when I see Keith to say my final goodbye tomorrow, I will need a few tissues.

I will try to post more frequently now and as I receive letters from Keith in basic, I will be posting them on his blog.

Goodnight for now.