Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Moving along...

So it has been quite some time since I have posted last. Well I have lost 3 lbs. Usually I can lose 7 lbs. in a week, but I haven't been so drastic. If I decide be strict I never can stick to a diet. I have been eating what I like, but it has been in more moderation. I have made it a goal this week to cook at least 4 times.

 As of right now, Keith is on a no pay status from his job. This is going to make things a little tight financially around here. I'm hoping someone can hire him for a few months. I have been trying to pick up hours at work, but my boss only gives me 20-23 hours a week. How can we live off of that? I kind of wish he could ship out earlier for boot camp because then we can do better financially. One good thing is my cousin moved into our 2nd bedroom. She will be staying with us until May and then I'll be moving with my parents because Keith will already be at boot camp.  Starting next week, I begin my auditions for graduate school. Next weekend is Tennessee. Luckily, one my girlfriends is also auditioning because the hotel room was ridiculously expensive. That's all for now.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A choice

Well my husband has made the choice to go into The Army. As he is preparing to go to basic, he has been reading blogs from active members in the military. This gave him the idea to post a blog, starting now. He also thought it would be a good idea for me to also attempt to start a blog from my point of view. I plan on posting blogs about my feelings and what I will have to endure through this process of much time I will spend alone. I will also probably include a focus on my weight loss. Yes, everyone makes a New Years Resolution and then usually falls off the wagon a few weeks later. During the summer, I was a little over 200 lbs. I was not happy and took it upon myself to start dieting and swimming everyday. I ended up losing 21 lbs. I was starting to look great, but as the semester went on, I started gaining weight again and of course, the holidays were around the corner. My weight went back up to 193. My husband is also making it a priority for us to eat a healthier diet and exercise regularly. My goal is to lose 30 lbs. by the time he leaves for basic, which is the end of April. His start date coincidentally is May 2. That date marks our 2nd year Anniversary. I'm not very happy about that, but what can you do?

I remember when my husband first came to me with the idea of going into the military a few years ago. I immediately thought he was crazy and I was not going to be with someone in the service. "I am not going to lose my husband in a war." I eventually looked past that. I accepted the fact that my husband is not happy in his current career. He is an insurance salesman and before that he worked at Publix Supermarkets, with me. We always seem to be just making ends meat. It's hard when I'm the type who loves to go out to dinner and a movie on Saturdays or get out of town for a few days, away from this college town. We currently live in Orlando, a mile from the University of Central Fl. I just graduated with a B.M. in Vocal Performance. In other words, I'm an opera singer and I hope to pursue a career as a performer and teach lessons. Anyways, I love my husband unconditionally and I know how much the serving his country would mean to him. Also, having a better income does not hurt either.  A lot of people ask, "Why would you let your husband go into the service at this time?" Well when is it ever a good time? I know he does not intend on going into a career in infantry. He is choosing a field that deals with computers and satellite systems. I stand by his decision just like he stands by me with my opera career. It's going to be a bumpy road, but I think this will only make our relationship stronger.