Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Moving along...

So it has been quite some time since I have posted last. Well I have lost 3 lbs. Usually I can lose 7 lbs. in a week, but I haven't been so drastic. If I decide be strict I never can stick to a diet. I have been eating what I like, but it has been in more moderation. I have made it a goal this week to cook at least 4 times.

 As of right now, Keith is on a no pay status from his job. This is going to make things a little tight financially around here. I'm hoping someone can hire him for a few months. I have been trying to pick up hours at work, but my boss only gives me 20-23 hours a week. How can we live off of that? I kind of wish he could ship out earlier for boot camp because then we can do better financially. One good thing is my cousin moved into our 2nd bedroom. She will be staying with us until May and then I'll be moving with my parents because Keith will already be at boot camp.  Starting next week, I begin my auditions for graduate school. Next weekend is Tennessee. Luckily, one my girlfriends is also auditioning because the hotel room was ridiculously expensive. That's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. Hey babe,

    We will get through it.

